Let's crowdsource where PB is happening in Scotland

At its core participatory budgeting is about everyone getting a say and working together to make things happen.

In that spirit, we want to harness the now almost 200 members of the PB Scotland Network (as well everyone else) to help develop a map of all things PB happening across the country.

We've had a map on the PB Scotland site for a while, but we think it can be better and more up-to-date by letting everyone contribute their knowledge of local events and processes.

As the PB Scotland Network forms, we hope this will be a really practical way for everyone excited about PB to get involved and make the map a useful resource for everyone. 

Anyone can contribute a relevant PB project that they're involve in or have heard of and, after being reviewed, it will show up on the www.pbscotland.scot/map page for everyone to see.

Our goal is create a searchable database of information about past, present and future PB activity in Scotland. Staff at PB Scotland will monitor and maintain it to keep it spam free and relevant.

So get involved and contribute your knowledge today.