Argyll & Bute Supporting Communities Fund uses PB


Argyll & Bute Council are using a participatory budgeting (PB) process to decide how its local grants will be distributed across the region. 

Groups were encouraged to post their ideas for projects before 22nd December 2017 to let their communities know what they would do with the money and how it would benefit the area.  The ideas website allows people to see the ideas being proposed, ask questions to find out more, offer suggestions to help shape the ideas and provide feedback to groups before they submit a funding application. 

Groups were then requested to complete an application form.  The deadline for this was 22nd January 2018. Members of the public will have the final say on which projects receive funding through a vote in April 2018.

Officers at Argyll & Bute Community Council Community Development Team will score applications and recommend a list to councillors who will agree which projects will go forward to a public vote.

The fund is split between the four Area Committee areas – Bute and Cowal, Helensburgh and Lomond, Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands, and Oban, Lorn and the Isles.

There's additional information here.