COSLA and Scottish government announce PB milestone reached

COSLA and the Scottish government have announced that Scottish Councils have reached the milestone of spending 1% of their budgets through participatory budgeting (PB) process.

The agreement was announced in 2017, with the 1% commitment designed to support the development of mainstream PB by local councils in Scotland.

Community Wealth and Public Finance Minister Tom Arthur said: “Participatory budgeting gives communities the power to make real decisions about how money is spent in their area. I am pleased that £154 million worth of council budgets have been directed towards projects and services that matter most to the communities they serve.”

COSLA Vice President, Councillor Steven Heddle, said: “Delivering on the 1% PB Agreement is a strong example of Local Government’s commitment to ensuring that more decisions are actually made by our communities.”

Read more here.